Life At Neon
One of the strongest pillars of NEON is its own talented and capable Team. NEON proudly expresses a robust workforce of more than 2000 finest professionals spreaded across India. We make sure that we keep uplifting the self-esteem and knowledge of every NEON member throughout their journey here.
Every Neonian is bound together with ethics, common purpose, values and principles to serve humanity.
NEON believes that for a compendious growth of the organisation, the development of each member with respect to their knowledge, soft skills play an extremely vital role.
NEON adheres to high level training and development programs. The objective is to provide an opportunity to unleash skills and talents in their defined workplace so that they outperform as an individual.
At NEON we have talent pool of freshers & experienced professionals. We have always cherished our in-house talent and given in-house promotion to help them grow professionally and make them competent enough to face the highly competitive Pharmaceutical industry.
Our strength lies in our highly experienced, strong and stable team. A team which is a good fusion of fresh talent combined with the experience of the senior campaigners, working together in unison providing us the balance that every orgnization strives for.
Our workforce has always been our strength and we keep immense trust on their capabilities and involvement, when it comes to working with complete dedication and commitment towards our goals.
We are committed towards the safety of all the members of NEON Family. We work with an ideology of taking care of each other and people associated with us.