Our Value Proposition

Introduced 1st time in India
• We have been continuously working towards innovating new products in Indian market.In a quest of giving something new to the medical fraternity we have introduced many new products first time in India.

• Recently we have Introduced First time in India product Ropin Heavy which is our patented product too .

Introduced Preservative Free Anaesthetics
• All medications used for epidural or intrathecal anaesthesia must be preservative free. Medication with preservatives can be neurotoxic and may cause spinal cord injury.
• Neon is pioneer in manufacturing preservative free medicaments which avoid the risk of potential neurotoxicity and ensures patient safety.

Syringe Labels
• Medication errors during anaesthesia are being reported in the literature time to time. Misidentification of a drug because of look alike/sound alike drugs, syringe swap, confusion, inaccurate or incomplete drug labels have been found responsible for these errors on many occasions. Up to 86-94% anaesthesiologists have agreed for the need of standardized drug labels to decrease the incidence of medication errors.
• We are dealing in emergency medication where every second matters.
• To avoid drug identification errors we follow Color coding system in our labels & packing .